It isn’t you, we promise.

Many clients struggle to log into Dun & Bradstreet’s (D&B) website and portals. You may encounter this for many reasons including:

  • Frequent website and customer portal updates causing broken links
  • D&B servers are not responding or are slow and don’t indicate progress
  • Copy & paste struggles with their forms

Here’s an example on the copy & paste situation

If a client needs to reset their password with D&B, then D&B will send them a temporary password. That temporary password is usually a mixture of numbers and letters that is very hard to remember (i.e., “wn4ezohIYGz35kuflc”. So naturally, to minimize transposing errors, most people copy & paste. Then receive the dreaded message that the password is incorrect. This causes immediate frustration… “D&B literally just sent me this password, why is it already incorrect?!?!”.

Possible solutions

The copy paste usually does not work because there is a hidden blank space before or after the password begins, which gets included. To check whether this has occurred you can click the eye icon that is in password field. Once the password is shown, click on the password and it should reveal if it has a blank space. If it does then remove it and try again.

If this doesn’t seem to work then we recommend that you delete everything in the password field and start over. This time manually type in the password and verify it with the eye icon.

If this still doesn’t work, there may be character confusion. Sometimes the size of the type is so small that it is easy to mistake a zero (0) for a capital ‘o’ (O). There could be confusion between the lower case letter ‘l’ (as in love) and upper case letter “I” (as in me, myself, and I).

You’ll need to try combinations and if all else fails you can refresh the D&B page and reset your password again.

This is just a sliver of knowledge and situations that can frustrate a business owner

If you are interested to discover where we may be of assistance reach out for a free consultation: (702) 816-5678